Delve in, get inspired

Why not learn about what’s going on in Greater Lincolnshire from people working in the region themselves? Whether you are wanting to find out how an Engineer spends her day, or why a Care Worker loves his job, the be inspired page is for you.

With employers from the construction industry sharing their exciting local projects, and employees from the Visitor Economy sector revealing their career journeys; you can learn about different jobs from the people who experience them every day.

From the Greater Lincolnshire ports, to the Agri-Food industry; delve into our stories and get inspired.

Chris Barron, Resort Director, Butlins

There are still opportunities here that you don't get elsewhere - its a blank piece of paper if you want it.

What they're saying

Did You Know?

Do you know about Dynex?

Dynex has just completed manufacturing one of the largest known inverter assemblies to be used as part of a tokamak fusion magnetic confinement system in Oxford, United Kingdom.