Explore & Discover

City of Lincoln

A unique, heritage experience filled with historical arts and culture

The city is crowned by Lincoln Cathedral, one of Europe's finest examples of Gothic architecture, which sits across a picturesque cobbled square from Lincoln Castle, built by William the Conqueror in the 11th century. The engineering city, famous for inventing the tank during World War 1, is still innovating and building. The engineering school at the University of Lincoln is the first in the UK for more than 20 years, built in partnership with world famous company Siemens, and the Science and Innovation Park is home to state of the art research and laboratory facilities, with technology, chemistry, pharmaceutical and medical science at its heart. Lincoln is proud to boast two Universities; Bishop Grossteste University, with a vast curriculum, are experts in education and have been training teachers since 1862! Did you know that Lincoln is the only place in the world where you can find original copies of both the 1215 Magna Carta and the 1217 Charter of the Forest? That makes it a hugely popular visitor destination, and the local hospitality and catering industry is booming.

Keep scrolling to read about some of the fantastic businesses that you could work in.

Countryside North

Employers in City of Lincoln

Pepperells Solicitors

Pepperells Solicitors

We are looking for dynamic and motivated individuals who can work independently and as part of a team



Siemens might be a global employer but it firmly believes in the value of 'growing its own' talent from local communities.



We absolutely love what we do, and we’re passionate about the way we do it, and we’re looking for people who share this attitude.



WSP is one of the world's leading engineering professional services consulting firms.

NMB Minebea

NMB Minebea

At NMB Minebea UK, we are a world leader in the design and manufacture of bearing technologies. Wherever precision, speed and reliability are essential; we deliver exceptional solutions which improve the productivity and efficiency of our customer’s application or product.



Our versatile team is more creative than an IT department and more technical than a marketing agency. We take an active role at every stage of the creative process, ensuring that every aspect of our projects is given the care and attention it deserves. 

Tillotts Pharma UK Ltd

Tillotts Pharma UK Ltd

The pharmaceutical sector requires professionals of the highest standard, what we do affects the lives of our patients, it is a worldwide business, diseases do not respect national boundaries, this means that although we are business based in Lincoln, our activities take place anywhere in the world.

Lincoln Cathedral

Lincoln Cathedral

The Cathedral employees approximately 100 people in a wide range  of roles including customer service, administration, finance, retail, hospitality and marketing. The Cathedral also employs around 40 highly skilled craftspeople who maintain and conserve the building.

The Orders of St John Care Trust

The Orders of St John Care Trust

Providing care in 69 care homes in Lincolnshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire, with one home located in Arundel, West Sussex.



In the UK Leonardo spends around £3.5 million on employee training and development annually, providing young people with the opportunity to gain qualifications through on-the job training

St Barnabas Hospice

St Barnabas Hospice

It is important that our staff and volunteers have everything they need to fulfil their roles and are supported to get care right for our patients and their families. As a result, staff and volunteers will go the extra mile in sensitively caring for every single person as an individual.

Did You Know?

Did you know?

The worlds first jet powered flight flew from Cranwell, Greater Lincolnshire!

Did You Know?

Did you know?

The worlds first jet powered flight flew from Cranwell, Greater Lincolnshire!

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