Searching: Zoologist
Job Roles

Zoologists study animals and their behaviour.
Role Description
Skills required
You’ll need:
- the ability to carry out detailed work accurately and methodically
- the ability to plan research, analyse and interpret data, and write reports
- practical and problem-solving skills
- patience, perseverance and the ability to concentrate for long periods
- the ability to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team
- strong communication and IT skills
What you'll do
- You could work in a range of areas like:
- developing and testing new drugs
- improving agricultural crops and livestock
- disease and pest control
- conserving endangered habitats and species
- animal welfare and education
- developing policies and enforcing regulations for government agencies
You’ll usually specialise in an area like ecology (animal environments), herpetology (reptiles), entomology (insects), parasitology (parasites) or paleozoology (fossil remains).
Your day-to-day tasks will vary depending on your role, but may include:
- carrying out field and laboratory research
- studying animals in their natural environment or in captivity
- identifying, recording and monitoring animal species
- gathering and interpreting information
- using complex procedures, like computerised molecular and cellular analysis, and in-vitro fertilisation
- producing detailed technical reports
- giving presentations and publishing information in journals and books
- supervising technicians

Salary Guide
Minimum: £21000
Maximum: £48000