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Case Studies

Alex Hackett, Boston
Alex Hackett, 25, from Boston, is a Technical Trainee at Lindum
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Alex Hackett, Boston
After leaving school he worked for his family’s training business in an administrative role before deciding on a change of career. Alex worked for an Estate Agent selling properties which helped him identify construction as his ideal career and he successfully applied to join the Technical Trainee Programme at Lindum, starting in May 2016.
The Technical Trainee Programme designed by Lindum offers recruits the opportunity to follow a two year individual plan where they experience the range of job roles involved in a construction project from start to finish - from pricing the project with our Estimating Team through to building the finished product with design, buying, on-site management, Health & Safety among the other disciplines experienced throughout the life of the project.
Each trainee has an assigned Mentor with monthly reviews helping to monitor individual progress. Academic training is included to attain formal qualifications such as degrees, HNDS and HNCs via local colleges and universities. Competition is high to join the programme with recruits ranging from 16 to 24 years of age and coming from a variety of backgrounds including university graduates, school leavers and current employees.
“I first became interested in construction after being involved with a number of family building projects and was looking for a new career direction. The Technical Trainee Programme offered by Lindum was the perfect opportunity for me to learn about all the different aspects of the building profession and I was delighted to be one of the successful candidates to gain a place” explains Alex.
“Since starting in May I have been assigned to work on the ‘One The Brayford’ project and have been able to see the processes from pre-contract, design tracking, site surveys, site set up to construction where I am employed currently.”
“Working with the site management team of Matt Marshallsay, Andy Foster and John Savage is a great opportunity for me to learn from these experienced site managers and I aspire to do a similar role as I enjoy being site based, working at the sharp end!”
Alex has a NVQ Level 3 Certificate in Management and is currently enrolled on the Institute of Leadership Management (ILM) Level 3 course alongside other trainees at Lindum.

Alex Hackett, Boston
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Andrew Hutton; Apprentice Joiner
Tell us a bit more about your role and what you like about working in construction.
I’m an Apprentice Joiner with the SCS Group. At the moment I work on first and second partition work and also finishing work. I’ll work mostly on big sites like new schools or hospitals.
I like being able to work with more than one tradesmen and seeing how differently people’s work is. Construction and building things are enjoyable for me, and it’s great to see the end product.
Construction and building things are enjoyable for me, and it’s great to see the end product.
How did you get into construction?
After secondary school I went straight into working with a smaller scale building firm as a labourer. That’s where I got a taste for construction and so made the move to SCS and started my apprenticeship with them.
What's a typical day like for you?
I start work normally at eight in the morning and then finish at half past four in the afternoon. Depending on what the job requires I’ll work on partition work or joinery work. This could involve work like fitting door kits or doing window sills.
What skills do you think you need for this role?
You would need to have some basic carpentry and joinery skills – things like measuring accurately, cutting precisely, marking out and other skills like that. Problem solving skills are also quite useful as there may be times where you’ll need them.
Tell us about something that you're proud of in your career so far
Construction can take you places and it just so happened to take me to India. For 3 weeks in January 2017, as part of a four man team of other experienced joiners I travelled out to Southern India to undertake some charity work in a girl’s orphanage in Kollegal, a small village situated 3 hours away from Bangalore airport. The opportunity to work out there came about through ‘Brass Tacks’, a Christian run organisation I had contact with via the church I attend.
Brass Tacks undertake a large variety of work worldwide helping those in need using many different volunteers; I was part of the project India team. Our team were working at a Christian girls’ home and whilst out there we had various tasks we needed to complete. Our end goal was to build a new dorm room to house ten girls, which would be on top of an existing dorm. Firstly we completed blockwork to window sill height ensuing that the walls were level, and then infill the existing roof with concrete to create a level surface, as this would then become the dormitory floor.
Next we had to do some shuttering in order to build a staircase that would lead up to the girl’s dormitory. We found that the plywood was expensive and not the best quality however we made sure to construct the stairs to meet health and safety regulations. After this was the installation of windows in the girls’ bathroom and shower area. We used a local man in the village for the windows, so they were made quickly and to a good standard, and so then installation would be hassle free. After more shuttering the lintels could be cast for the doorways and windows allowing us to complete blockwork to full height, which meant that our part of the project was complete and time for sub-contractors to measure for pre-fabrication and roofing.
Overall my Indian experience was one to be remembered - working in 30 degree heat with misshapen blocks, empty oil drums for scaffolding and sharing a bedroom with bats, geckos and cockroaches. But it has to be said that I loved every minute of it, gaining invaluable experience and I hope to return next year!
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Hopefully I’ll be a time served joiner! I would like to be a hard working construction worker with a range of skills that I’ve learnt through my apprenticeship.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about a career in construction?
If it’s something you’re thinking about or like the idea of – then go for it! It’s not the most glamourous of jobs, but it is very fulfilling and there is great potential to go places in the construction field.

Andrew Hutton; Apprentice Joiner

Ellie Patrick, Business Admin Apprentice, British Steel
A day in the life of Ellie Patrick. One of British Steel's Apprentices' Ellie Patrick shares her Procurement experiences.
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Ellie Patrick, Business Admin Apprentice, British Steel
What made you choose an apprenticeship with us?
After finishing my GCSEs at Vale Academy in Brigg, I decided the apprenticeship route was the best career path for me. I was excited when I saw the Functional Apprenticeship vacancy; it was too good an opportunity to miss. The vast amount of experience and knowledge I could gain through completion of the apprenticeship programme made the opportunity particularly attractive. I was keen to begin learning in the workplace through experiencing different roles within the Procurement department, as well as through the completion of an NVQ in Business Admin.
What are the top three highlights of your job?
There is a great variety of processes and products for me to develop my knowledge. Every day is different, making the role both challenging and enjoyable.
The opportunity to visit different site areas on a regular basis is extremely interesting. I love seeing how the work I do in the office directly impacts areas out on plant.
I have enjoyed building relationships with colleagues in Procurement. The support I have received from my first day in the business has made me feel comfortable and a valued member of the team.
What work have you been doing within the Procurement department?
The most recent experience I have had within Procurement has been in the Sundry Sales role. The Sundry Sales team receive requests from plant areas to sell items, ranging from coal to machinery, which they no longer require. Recently, I have been working with the Structural Workshops to sell redundant equipment and bring money back into the business. To date, this has generated significant savings – the work is still ongoing.
I have also been researching new companies to sell our products to and building relationships with external stakeholders both in the UK and overseas. I have enjoyed visiting different plant areas and broadening my knowledge of the business, plant areas and products we sell.
What advice would you give to any young people considering a career here?
I would encourage anyone considering a career here to grasp the opportunity! Working within such a large business that allows you to tailor your own career with the support of fellow colleagues is a rare and rewarding experience.
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A policewoman – I then realised the press-ups in the police entrance fitness test would get the better of me!

Ellie Patrick, Business Admin Apprentice, British Steel

Gusto: Building careers on firm foundations …
Terry Nash tells us about Gusto Homes and careers in construction.
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Gusto: Building careers on firm foundations …
About the author …
Terry Nash is a Director of Gusto Construction Ltd, with responsibilities for business systems, web-presence and the company’s health & safety management system.
Making career choices …
How we all envy those lucky people who have always known the career they wish to pursue, have gained the right qualifications to pursue it, and now have their first job lined-up.
Sadly, for many others the story could not be more different, as they find it difficult to imagine their future world of work, so simply go along with the path of least resistance until something turns up. This is in either the hope or expectation that, at some indeterminate point in the future, all will miraculously come right and they will somehow find themselves in exciting, enjoyable well-paid employment.
There is a saying in business that organisations that fail to plan, plan to fail; the same could as easily be said of an individual’s career. Yes it is true that some seem to find their way seamlessly into their perfect career, but for many more others, having no plan can be a recipe for underachievement and disappointment.
So don’t be afraid to take the time to establish how you are going to go about identifying and planning your start to the world of work. A good starting point maybe to seek the experience of people already in the work-force, on the choices they have taken. Get their opinions on the merits of working in the public and private sectors, or of working for large or small organisations. These days you can now look forward to 50-years or more in employment, so you need to enjoy it!
Why choose construction? …
A career in the construction industry is certainly one that should enter the equation, insofar as the private-sector is concerned. The reasons for this, apart from the satisfaction to be gained from “building things”, is that construction offers an unusually wide range of career opportunities, and encompasses employers ranging from small/local to very large/international.
Within these businesses there are opportunities to suit all tastes, ranging from working on a construction site, which are the tip of the iceberg that forms the industry’s shop window, through the many specialists and disciplines that enable site operations to take place. In the parlance of the sector these are broadly broken down into: “Clients”, with the skills and resources needed to purchase land and commission the building works; “Designers”, who design what is to be built and obtain the necessary planning consents; “Principal Contractors”, who are responsible for the safe and timely delivery of the building works; and the “Site Operatives” that we are all used to seeing on-site.
This spectrum of roles and responsibilities offers an exceptionally wide choice of career options, ranging from the highly-qualified and technical, to the practical and hands-on. Best of all, for anyone who would one day like to be their own boss,
Working in the construction industry is a well-tried gateway to establishing your own business.
Case study …
Gusto Construction Ltd is a good example of the range and scope of career opportunities in the construction sector.
A small house-building company that employs around 25 site operatives directly, and regularly employs a similar number of self-employed sub-contractors, Gusto Construction is invariably the Principal Contractor on the projects it delivers. This involves meeting national legislative, planning, building control, environmental and H&S requirements.
Sister-companies, with whom Gusto Construction regularly works, are responsible for the Client and Designer roles mentioned above. This means that the site operations of even a small local building company are backed in-house by a sizeable team of architects, engineers, CAD technicians, contract managers, buyers, site managers, estimators, business administrators, marketing professionals, customer-relations managers, and IT/systems specialists.
In other words, even based upon the requirements of a small company, the construction sector provides sufficient career choices to meet the needs of even the pickiest chooser.
Small versus big …
The implications of working for a large and/or international construction company usually include a higher degree of specialisation, which can lead to a role which some can find too narrow and hence frustrating; conversely, working for a smaller construction company is likely to place a higher premium on an individual’s range of skills and flexibility, and a role which provides opportunities to directly influence the activities of the business.
This flexibility, in the Gusto Construction Ltd case study above, has enabled the company to develop a national reputation for its design and build of energy-efficient new homes, first established with its flagship Millennium Green, Collingham project completed in 2002. These homes use around 50% of the energy and 50% of the mains-water, compared to homes built to the Building Regulations of the time.
Similarly, the recently completed Woodlands Edge development, adjacent to Lincolnshire Showground, is currently at the forefront in the region for its integrated use of design and build techniques, and use of sustainable technologies, to minimise energy consumption in these spectacular new homes.
For more information on construction industry careers see:

Gusto: Building careers on firm foundations …

Joe Balderson, Scunthorpe
Joe Balderson, 23, from Scunthorpe, is a Trainee Quantity Surveyor with Lindum Construction.
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Joe Balderson, Scunthorpe
Joe initially joined Lindum in August 2015 as a Technical Trainee after qualifying with a HND in Construction from Grimsby College however, after working on his first project at Morrisons Flowerworld, he switched to train as a Quantity Surveyor after enjoying this job right from the start and deciding this was the career for him!
“Using what I have learned in the classroom and putting this into practice in a real construction environment has proved to be very rewarding and, on occasions, challenging. The approachable and friendly nature of the Lindum team means there is no shortage of support and advice available from my experienced colleagues and makes each day a learning experience."
Joe has completed his ILM (Institute of Leadership Management) Level 3 in Leadership and Management with Lindum and is a CITB accredited Construction Ambassador promoting the construction industry associated careers within local schools.

Joe Balderson, Scunthorpe

Joe Kendal, Insurance Building Surveyor, Gelder
The construction industry is changing, fast. It is moving away from the archaic, unreliable, ‘blokey’ industry is once was.
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Joe Kendal, Insurance Building Surveyor, Gelder
How long have you been with the company: March 2014
Where did you find the job advertisement to apply for the role?
The government apprenticeship website.
Why did you want to work for the company?
The company has a big community presence therefore I was aware of the work that Gelders carried out. The company was receiving national awards & recognition for the training and apprenticeships they were delivering.
What interested you about the industry?
At the time of apply for the job I had deferred my university for a year whilst working in the local shop. I wasn’t 100% sure what I was going to do at the end of my degree and what career I could go into. My favourite programme at the time was homes under the hammer and watching the transformations that took place. I started looking how I could get involved with doing something similar. I then luckily stumbled across the vacancy at Gelders and applied.
Can you describe a typical day for you?
My day consists of spending half my time visiting customer’s properties all around the midlands and half my time in the office preparing estimates. We deal with all damaged caused as a result of an insurance claim. This can vary from full properties being destroyed by fire or floods to broken toilet seats and sinks. Every day is different.
What qualities do you bring to the role?
You have to be diverse and adaptable. We receive a brief instruction of what the damage to the property is however the extent of the damage can be much greater. We have to be prepared for anything and be ready for everything we could be faced with.
What is difficult about your role?
We work for a variety of insurance companies and networks who work differently. It takes time learning all the different systems and process. The systems and processes are changing all the time. A big part of my role is validating claims meaning I have to turn down the ones that aren’t covered. Understandably people can become upset when the damage isn’t covered by the policy.
What is the best thing about working at the company?
Gelders is a close knit company, the majority of the people who work here know everyone which means it’s always a friendly and vibrant atmosphere. The company is detected to inspiring the next generation of construction workers therefore for people like myself the help and expertise on offer to help me develop are invaluable. Steve Gelder himself started as an apprentice which gives myself and the many other apprentices something to aspire to.
Why would you recommend working in the industry?
The construction industry is changing, fast. It is moving away from the archaic, unreliable, ‘blokey’ industry is once was. Our industry uses some of the newest technology, newest techniques and has a place for everyone not matter what their background is making it an idea time to start an apprenticeship.

Joe Kendal, Insurance Building Surveyor, Gelder

Jordan Bainbridge, British Steel, Supply Chain Placement Student
Jordan Bainbridge is on our 12-month Placement Programme in Supply Chain. Jordan has been with us for 4 months and has kindly given us an insight into his journey so far at British Steel.
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Jordan Bainbridge, British Steel, Supply Chain Placement Student
Age: 20
Position: Supply Chain Placement Student
Location: Scunthorpe
University: University of Lincoln
Course: Business and Marketing
What is your role within British Steel and what does it involve?
“I’m currently forming part of the Supply Chain Outbound Logistics department. Within the team I regularly assist in the invoice tracking for deliveries. I’m also working on improving the current system we use for tracking, to make the process more automated and therefore reducing time spent on the task. This is important as it’s keeping with the companies continuous improvement strategy that it is integrating into its culture.
“My main project I’ve been given responsibility for is the renewal of all rail crossing signage out on site. This is a complex task due to the size of the Scunthorpe site. There are nearly 100 signs that need to be renewed and with each one come a lot of assessments, precautions and procedures that need to be put in place prior to work. The key I’m finding to this task is ensuring continuous communication with suppliers, engineers, plant managers as well as the other colleagues needed to execute this task.”
Why did you choose to work for British Steel?
“Being fairly local to the area, I already had prior knowledge of British Steel before joining and therefore had some indication to the impressive scale of the operation. Upon further research I found more information that only impressed me further, including the employment rate of around 4,000 people, a site more than 2,000 acres in size with over 100 miles of internal rail and 40 miles of road.
“I also was keen on the idea of working in large-scale manufacturing and with 150 years of heritage and an operation that produces 3 million tonnes of quality steel products every year, I couldn’t say no to the opportunity.”
How would you describe British Steel’s culture and how you fit into it?
“The culture at British Steel is very traditional but takes on new aspects of modern thinking. Many employees that work here have decades of experience under their belts, which fuels passion and pride within the workplace. You can learn something new from everyone you meet here, and there’s plenty of people to meet.
“I feel I fit into this culture purely by willing to learn from everyone here and also by bringing my own ideas to the business.”
How do you think your experience at British Steel will help with your future career goals?
“I feel the name British Steel carries a lot of respect with people across the country appreciating the scale of work that it does – it’s definitely an impressive and stand-out name to have on your CV.
“More importantly there are lots of opportunities here to grow your skill set in many different environments and even secure permanent positions with British Steel as it’s always looking to grow its workforce.”
What do you think is the best thing about working for British Steel?
“The thing I like most about working here is the diversity of the work. Working in a large-scale organisation can throw up interesting challenges in a range of fields. Even on my own project, which in theory should be repetitive, there are always new issues that need to be resolved. One of the best things about this is it takes you out of your comfort zone. There are always people willing to help but knowing you got through an issue using your own initiative, meeting people and gaining insight you wouldn’t have done otherwise, is very rewarding.”
What do you find most challenging about working for British Steel?
“The most challenging bit is finding the right contacts. On a site as big as this, there are many people with different roles and responsibilities so finding the right person who can help you can sometimes be time-consuming.
“Also, when first starting in the job, driving on site can be rather daunting, especially when you’re only given a location of an office building that sometimes is only as big as a house. But once you’ve been on site a few times, it does get a lot easier.”
Can you describe British Steel in 3 words?
“I would say huge, proud and iconic. I’ve already mentioned the size of the site and the pride of those working within it, but I think it’s the heritage that is a defining feature of the company. Since the recent rebranding, the heritage has been used as a building block to develop a strong brand and culture for the modern workplace.”
Do you have any advice for people currently applying to British Steel?
“There is a definite British Steel culture and going from my experiences, recruiters choose people that will fit into this and integrate into one of the teams.
“Speaking from my experience as a placement student, I don’t think your past experience or education is any more important than your attitude to work. You’re here to gain the experiences of British Steel so it’s more important that your personal values align with that of the company.”

Jordan Bainbridge, British Steel, Supply Chain Placement Student

Joshua Haywood, Finance Graduate, British Steel
Joshua Haywood is on our Graduate Programme in Finance. Josh has been with us for 4 months and has kindly given us an insight into his journey so far at British Steel.
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Joshua Haywood, Finance Graduate, British Steel
Age: 21
Position: Finance Graduate
Location: Scunthorpe
University: University of Lincoln
Course: Business and Finance
Joshua Haywood is on our Graduate Programme in Finance. Josh has been with us for 4 months and has kindly given us an insight into his journey so far at British Steel.
What is your role and how long have you been in it?
“I’m currently part of the finance department at British Steel, concentrating on the Construction business. I’ve currently been in this role for about 4 months and I’m based in Scunthorpe, however I do get opportunities to travel to different places such as Wolverhampton and Teesside.
“Since starting my job I’ve been given a variety of work and responsibilities. Within my role I undertake daily tasks such as revenue monitoring to ensure it all matches up with sales tonnage, and creating reports to identify which customers debts are overdue. I also undertake pricing and costing analysis to make sure the prices charged on our products are in line with costs and that costs are also reported accurately so we can produce accurate analysis and reports for the business leaders.
“Alongside these day-to-day tasks there are also jobs that need to be done on a monthly basis, such as month-end reporting. This includes gathering all the data from various places to accurately report the business’ result for the month. This includes balance sheet and profit statement reconciliations, ensuring everything balances with the underlying data.
“The project work I get involved in is generally around benefit analysis and investment appraisal. So in simple terms I investigate whether a project will add value financially or whether it may not be worth doing.”
Why did you chose to work for British Steel?
“From having a background in finance and economics, I had a prior knowledge of the steel industry as it was often used as a case study at university. The market had always intrigued me and when I saw the position available I immediately got excited about possibly working in the industry for British Steel.
“I was also excited to be able to work for a company that has shown resilience to overcome many challenges in its short time as British Steel. These environments are great to learn from and take with you as your career develops.
“Another aspect was that the salary offered was significantly better than those of similar roles being advertised at the same time.
“Once I had applied for the role the assessment centre also helped persuade me to take the job. The Early Careers Team made the process so straightforward, answering any questions before the day very quickly as well as making me feel at ease on the day of the assessment centre. I immediately felt welcome.”
How they would describe the culture of British Steel and how you fit into it?
“I would describe the culture at British Steel as many things, but most of all refreshing. There is so much care about the employees, and everything is done with the employees in mind.
“There’s also health and safety at the heart of everything the business does. From when you first start in your induction, it’s drilled into you the importance of looking after yourself and others. If a job can’t be done safely it won’t be done at all.
“A continuous improvement culture is currently being embedded into the business. Every day is about improvement, growth and learning, and all ideas are taken into consideration. From a personal view, as long as I can keep improving day by day, with the help of the business, then anything is possible and we can achieve great things.
“I would also say it’s welcoming and friendly. From day one everyone makes time to talk to you, whether it’s about work or just wanting to know more about yourself. The majority of people you come into contact with seem to have a positive attitude and mindset which is often contagious.”
How do you think your role at British Steel will help with your future career goals?
“British Steel outlined in its job offer that it’s willing to invest in its employees and allow them to gain internationally recognised professional qualifications to further their knowledge and skillset. This is important in the world of finance and so far they have lived up to this statement.
“The opportunity of gaining a professional accountancy qualification, with help and funding from British Steel, will open new doors for me personally. It will also help me to move through the company and further my career, while giving back to the company at the same time.
“The internal set-up within British steel is also fantastic. Every graduate and placement student is given their own personal mentor and champion that they can chat to confidentially about any topic, at any time, whether it be work-related or personal. These mentors and champions already have the experience within the business to guide you through the early stages in your career, and allow you to grow both professionally and personally.”
What do you think the best thing about working for British Steel is?
“The best part about working for British Steel is the people. Everyone is always friendly, and always willing to help.
“My first 3 months were spent as part of the construction team. During this time I worked very closely to people from all kinds of backgrounds and disciplines, and having got to know most of them very well, there is always someone who is happy to lend a helping hand.”
What do you find most challenging about British Steel?
“So far, the most challenging part was having very little experience in the industry. At first, it was always tough to get into the conversations and know what to say right away. However, people don’t just expect you to know everything, so if ever there’s a problem, all you need to do is say so. When you need anything clarifying, if you ask someone they will be more than happy to help.”
Can you describe British Steel in 3 words
“If I could describe British Steel in 3 words, the first would be versatile. There are a lot of different scenarios in every job and it’s central to your role that you’re able to adapt your skills and mindset for every situation.
“The second word I would choose is interesting. Every day brings with it new processes, people and situations. I would like to think everyone at British Steel would describe their role as exciting because there’s just so much opportunity.
“The last word I would use to describe British Steel is developing. Both the business and its employees are growing in confidence and abilities. This role will definitely equip me for the future.”
Have you got any advice for people currently applying to work for British Steel?
“My advice for anyone wanting to apply for British Steel would be to read up about the company, and read the online hints, including the CV tips. Take your time and plan your answers for the video interview, and when on the assessment centre, just stay calm and relaxed, because its designed to get the best out of you, not trip you up, so try and enjoy the experience.”

Joshua Haywood, Finance Graduate, British Steel

Richard Swann, Construction Project Manager, Ørsted
The best thing about my job is that it is dynamic!
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Richard Swann, Construction Project Manager, Ørsted
What do you do in your job?
I am the Construction Manager for the Hornsea Project One onshore substation, I am responsible for managing the delivery of the onshore substation throughout the construction phase from a green field to a full commissioned and operational substation.
What do you love about your job?
The best thing about my job is that it is dynamic, even though we have a detailed plans for the project each day brings new challenges. It is very rewarding in that the end result is something real that you can see, touch and be proud of.
What inspired you to work in the renewables industry/your role?
I first came into renewables whilst working for the Principal Contractor on the Westermost Rough onshore substation, which introduced me to the offshore wind industry and Ørsted. I enjoyed the project and working with Ørsted so much that following successful delivery I upped sticks and joined Ørsted on the Burbo Bank project.
Do you have any insights for someone wanting to get into a similar career?
Unfortunately there is no quick way to become a Construction Manager as it relies on experience and knowledge built up over time. A degree in a construction related topic is a good starting point and from there look to join a company that is recognised for investing in their employees, that will give you the right training and experience to advance your career. It's hard work but worth it!

Richard Swann, Construction Project Manager, Ørsted

Rilmac Scaffolding Project, Lincoln
Any construction project at height requires access, which is where we come in at Rilmac Scaffolding.
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Rilmac Scaffolding Project, Lincoln
RILMAC SCAFFOLDING – Reaching Your Heights
New buildings tower above us, a modern skyline of apartments, hospitals, bridges, and more. Any construction project at height requires access, which is where we come in at Rilmac Scaffolding. Providing safe, appropriate platforms for builders to work from is essential. Materials need to reach great heights and be installed for buildings of all shapes and sizes.
We calculate and design bespoke scaffolding solutions for industry, infrastructure, construction and residential projects. From scaffolders working at height and building complex structures through to the designers who can tackle any challenge everyone is highly skilled and well trained.
Rilmac Scaffolding Case Study – HMP Highpoint
Customer: TSS Loss Adjusting (on Behalf of Carillion)
Location: Newmarket
Company Nature: Insurance
The project was one of the more challenging recently in terms of logistics and organisation, working in the prison we had to adhere to specific time scales, logistical challenges and stringent specification.
Rilmac were procured to provide scaffolding access to repair the roof on the gym, it was in Rilmac’s package to ensure there was a mechanical hoist, security fencing and suitable edge protection for access on the roof.
Customer Comments:
“Great job, the hoarding in particular is great.”
Jack Davies, TSS Project Manager

Rilmac Scaffolding Project, Lincoln

Suzannah Nichol MBE; Chief Executive at Build UK
Suzannah wanted to get involved in construction ever since she undertook a day’s work experience.
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Suzannah Nichol MBE; Chief Executive at Build UK
She went on to become a site engineer before making the leap to health and safety, becoming director of health and safety at the NSCC in 2002. She was awarded an MBE in 2005 for service to the construction industry. Suzannah is now Chief Executive at Build UK.
She credits the construction industry itself with her success: "If you show both enthusiasm and interest, colleagues at all levels are quick to share their expertise and help you progress."
Construction is an industry that goes out of its way to help you achieve your potential

Suzannah Nichol MBE; Chief Executive at Build UK
Job Roles

Construction Plant operators
Construction plant operators work with machinery and equipment used on building sites.
Construction Plant operators
Role Description
Skills required
You'll need:
- good concentration
- the ability to follow detailed instructions
- the ability to work at height for some jobs
What you'll do
Depending on your job, you'll work with the machinery and equipment used on major civil engineering projects, construction and house building sites, roadworks, demolition sites, quarries and railways. You could use machines like:
- 180 and 360 degree excavators
- earth moving bulldozers and dump trucks
- loading shovels
- mobile and crawler cranes
- tower cranes
- compactors used for levelling out work areas
- piling rigs
- concrete pumps
You'll carry out daily safety checks on the machine you are using, and change buckets and other attachments. You'll need a good level of fitness for climbing in and out of cabs.
You could also use forklifts to unload and move materials around the site.
If you operate a crane, you'll work with a slinger signaller who'll attach the loads and direct you by signals or radio.

Salary Guide
Minimum: £14000
Maximum: £35000

Construction manager
Construction managers organise the work on building projects, making sure that the work is completed safely, within budget and on time.
Construction manager
Role Description
Skills required
You'll need:
- leadership skills and the ability to motivate a team
- problem-solving skills
- decision-making skills
- organisational and planning skills
- maths and IT skills
What you'll do
You'll usually work for building companies and specialist subcontractors. You might also manage projects for local authorities, government departments, or utility and engineering firms.
Your day-to-day activities may include:
- checking plans with architects, surveyors and engineers
- hiring staff and buying materials
- planning work schedules
- monitoring building progress and costs
- checking quality
- reporting to clients
- maintaining and promoting health and safety
- You'll be the main point of contact for subcontractors and the public. As a senior manager you may need to oversee several projects at the same time.

Salary Guide
Minimum: £27000
Maximum: £70000

Rilmac Group
As a long established, ambitious company, Rilmac are always on the lookout for talented people to join our team of professionals.
Rilmac Group

The world around us is always changing. New buildings are designed, new developments planned, old buildings redeveloped and modernised. Modern machinery is required for transport options, to build our digital devices, and to create power for our digital world. This world needs protecting, we must use energy wisely, avoid changing our environment, and remove all toxins and hazardous waste.
There are many businesses in the industries building the modern world. The Rilmac Group of Companies for example, focussing on construction and steel engineering nationwide from our headquarters in Lincoln.
Rilmac has grown from humble beginnings of three men and a van in 1957 to become a market leader of Asbestos Services, Fabrication, Insulation and Scaffolding.

Kier Utilities
Every day, we shape our world by investing in, building, maintaining and renewing where we live and work. Every project we work on draws on the skills and expertise of our people. Their job is to make a positive impact on the world. Because what we achieve together in a day will have benefits that last for generations.
Kier Utilities

Every day, we shape our world by investing in, building, maintaining and renewing where we live and work. Every project we work on draws on the skills and expertise of our people. Their job is to make a positive impact on the world. Because what we achieve together in a day will have benefits that last for generations.
Kier is what you make it. That’s why we give you the scope and the support to invest in your own future. To build your expertise, and enable you to contribute to a rich and diverse culture. You are able to renew your career for the long-term with outstanding opportunities.
Bring your talent and ambition to Kier and you’ll develop to be your best. Our approach to training and professional development is industry leading. Our priority is to help you to achieve your greatest potential.
Let’s shape your world together.
Kier Group plc. is a leading construction, property, residential and services group which invests in, builds, maintains and renews the places where we work, live and play. We operate globally across a range of sectors including defence, education, health, housing, industrials, power, transport and utilities. Listed on the London Stock Exchange, we are a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index.
With a network of 88 UK offices Kier offers national coverage across all of its core activities. Employing 22,000 people, Kier has the financial strength and technical expertise to undertake some of the most significant construction, civil engineering and service contracts in the country. Kier is an equality and diversity employer.

In total we trade from nearly 500 locations, employ approximately 4,500 staff and have a turnover in excess of £1bn

Welcome to Grafton Merchanting GB, an organisation formed in April 2008 to integrate Grafton Group’s GB merchanting businesses within a single structure. Grafton Merchanting GB is a major player in the builders and plumbers merchants industry because it brings together the majority of Grafton Group’s merchant subsidiaries in Great Britain. In total we trade from nearly 500 locations, employ approximately 4,500 staff and have a turnover in excess of £1bn. Our businesses or ‘brands’ are leading merchants and specialists in their own fields. These well-known brands are Buildbase, Civils & Lintels, Corgi Direct, Hendricks Lovell, Hirebase, Jacksons Building Centres, L&G Forest Products, PDM, Plumbase, Nationwide Drylining & Insulation, Secon, Electricbase and Sparesbase.
Our success is built on having brilliant branch and support teams who deliver excellent customer service day in, day out. Our Apprenticeship Scheme is a way of introducing a new generation of future stars to our business and the opportunities we provide are worth serious consideration for anyone looking to begin or develop a rewarding career in a customer-focused business.
Our Apprenticeship Scheme will give you an opportunity to gain a well-rounded knowledge of your chosen area of our business. You will be given all the on-the-job training, support and guidance necessary to complete your Level 2 qualification and establish yourself as an important member of our team. In addition to this, you will be earning £5 per hour - significantly more than you would on other Apprenticeship programmes.
We offer Apprenticeships in Trade Business Services, Customer Services, Hire Counter Operations, Wood Machining, Finance and other areas too

Established in 1988 the Gelder Group is a multi-award winning construction company. Dedicated teams offer our clients a wealth of building experience in education, health, retail, insurance, leisure, residential & commercial building projects.

Established in 1988 the Gelder Group is a multi-award winning construction company. Dedicated teams offer our clients a wealth of building experience in education, health, retail, insurance, leisure, residential & commercial building projects. We deliver everything with a ‘Can-do’ attitude and constantly challenge our teams to deliver everything with a special ‘Gelder Touch’, which our clients love.
The Gelder Group is based in Lincoln and has three main divisions; Major Contracts, Facilities Maintenance & Build, and Insurance Repair & Renovation. Each of our divisions has the benefit of employing its own specialist workforce, as well as being able to utilise our pool of experienced and skilled trades people. This enables us to offer our clients the complete construction service.

Simons Group Ltd
Established in 1944, Simons has been offering property solutions tailored to specific needs for over 70 years.
Simons Group Ltd

Established in 1944, Simons has been offering property solutions tailored to specific needs for over 70 years. We're a long established, family owned business based in Lincoln; focusing on retail, distribution and health.
Building Greener is our way of making sure we consider the pillars of sustainability in everything we do.
We have annual reduction targets for energy, waste, water, carbon, biodiversity, procurement and we aim to send the absolute minimum of waste to landfill.

R G Carter
We are passionate about supporting our employees, whose loyalty and expertise allows us to consistently deliver successful projects to be proud of. We invest in training and development and aim to inspire people with the right skills, talent and enthusiasm to work with us to fulfil their potential.
R G Carter

Our Business
Established in 1921, R G Carter is a family owned business which has been building for the future for nearly a century. Renowned for our diverse range of high quality construction services, we have achieved growth & success through combining traditional family values with a passion for innovation.
Working with national and regional clients, across both private and public sectors, we provide design, construction and project management services on projects ranging from £50,000 to over £50 million.
Our values are based upon honesty, trust and the development of long term relationships, and we are committed to placing client values at the heart of our operations. Our approach to project delivery makes us able to offer a flexible, quality service that is tailored to the requirements of our clients.
Through our network of regional offices, including Lincoln, we offer a range of construction solutions, from design through to build, refurbishment and repairs. Our business model continues to be based on local delivery with empowered local decision makers and close senior level support for projects. Our ability to draw on the experience and expertise of the wider R G Carter Group of companies, means that we can offer a personal approach that is built around the Employers needs without restriction on value or construction type.
We support local communities, organisations, and supply-chain partners to deliver projects that improve lives and provide opportunities for local people. On all of our projects we seek to work collaboratively in order to create better buildings, provide opportunities for local people and invest in the future of the communities that we work with. We set the bar high for safety, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Through our accredited training centre, Carter Academy, we are a leading provider of quality apprenticeships and professional training regionally.
Our People
R G Carter currently has 1,100 members of staff, ranging across office and site based roles. Examples of these include administrators, procurement and accountants who support the successful management of projects, project managers who coordinate all aspects of the construction process, designers who work with the clients to create their ‘vision’, quantity surveyors, who manage the costs related to the project and tradesmen, through to site managers and skilled tradesman, such as bricklayers and carpenters, who ensure projects are built to client requirements. Our employees work across our range of offices and sites across the Group.
We are passionate about supporting our employees, whose loyalty and expertise allows us to consistently deliver successful projects to be proud of. We invest in training and development and aim to inspire people with the right skills, talent and enthusiasm to work with us to fulfil their potential. To demonstrate our commitment, everyone who joins our company has access to our CITB registered training centre, Carter Academy, offering Health & Safety qualifications and a variety of courses from NVQ to degree level.
Join Our Team
We look for motivated and enthusiastic people to join our teams. Dependant on the role, ideal candidates will have good experience of team working and delivering construction projects to excellent quality.
We understand that great projects need great people. Whether you are looking for a training opportunity, or are already experienced in your role, R G Carter offers more than just the next step in your career. You will be joining a diverse group of talented people and with the addition of your ideas, passion and skills we can develop, innovate and build the future together.
R G Carter is a dynamic company where you will have the chance to prove yourself on challenging projects, further develop your skills and work with experienced construction professionals.
“I joined RG Carter due to its great reputation for training and investing in people, and I wasn’t disappointed. It’s a people focussed company with a sense of family values. Personal development is important to the company, whatever your experience or life stage.” Jack, Trainee Construction Manager
The construction industry is unique; with so many career options that combines a range of skills and interests.
Whether you’re interested in building, engineering, science or design, at R G Carter we can offer a variety of different rewarding, challenging roles to help develop your skills and start a successful and exciting career in construction.
- Work on exciting, innovative projects, that you can see through from concept to completion
- Learn a mix of theory as well as practical skills out on site
- Work in an ever changing industry, with new state-of-the-art technology
- Give something back to the local communities in which we all live
- Get training and support from our experts at our Carter Academy

Chestnut Homes
Established in 1988, Chestnut Homes enjoys a reputation for building high quality, well planned developments within Lincolnshire.
Chestnut Homes

Established in 1988, Chestnut Homes enjoys a reputation for building high quality, well planned developments within Lincolnshire.
Construction is a fast-paced industry which constantly evolves and grows. There is a huge variety of roles on offer and in our business there are real opportunities to grow and develop your role.
We employ a mixture of trades across our sites along with a team at Head Office based in Langworth.

Gusto Homes
Gusto Homes has been a leading brand in the regional house-building scene for the last 25-years, with a well-earned reputation for the style and quality of the homes it builds, and for its innovative approach to the design of energy efficient new dwellings.
Gusto Homes

Gusto Homes has been a leading brand in the regional house-building scene for the last 25-years, with a well-earned reputation for the style and quality of the homes it builds, and for its innovative approach to the design of energy efficient new dwellings.
As part of the family-owned Gusto Group, Gusto Homes enjoys the close working support of sister-companies Gusto Construction and architects Studio-G Associates, thus bringing together the three essential ingredients for successful new homes – a quality-thirsty developer, creative and innovative designers, and a highly skilled, well-qualified and experienced construction work-force.
Gusto homes have built eco-homes in Lincoln, and have created a development in Great Gonerby.

Water Management Alliance
Whether you work for us as a digger driver or as a member of the senior management team, there will be a considerable variety of challenges in your diverse workload and you will be offered real opportunities for career development.
Water Management Alliance

The Water Management Alliance
The Water Management Alliance (WMA) is a group of like-minded Internal Drainage Boards (known as IDBs) operating in the Anglian Region. We are building resource and capacity in the Anglian region in order to meet the challenges of climate change, sustainable water and flood risk management. The WMA works closely with our IDB’s, partners, communities and individuals to secure new funding streams and deliver innovative approaches at a local level.
We welcome partnership approaches and aim to deliver value for money projects using local expertise and experience.
Did you know Internal Drainage Boards…?
- date back some 900 years and are one of Europe’s oldest water management organisations.
- have statutory powers to undertake flood defence and water management works.
- aim to manage water levels and flood risk management for people and wildlife sustainably and aim to limit impacts of flood and drought within their drainage districts.
- are collectively one of the biggest managers of freshwaters and wetlands in the UK.
- manage drainage districts that cover 10% of the land in England and Wales.
- manage and maintain over 500 pumping stations, 22,000 km of watercourse and numerous sluices and weirs for people and wildlife.
The Water Management Alliance works for and on behalf of other Flood Risk Management Authorities as well as community groups, NGO’s and landowners. We also deliver significant flood risk management benefits and enhanced environmental outcomes on the ground. Our members are all independent and democratically accountable statutory bodies who seek to protect some 548,000 hectares in East Anglia.
The WMA Eastern Drainage Boards include the Broads IDB, East Suffolk IDB and the Norfolk Rivers IDB.
South Holland:
This includes some of the most fertile arable land in the world and is widely recognised as the bread basket of Britain. The area is home to around 60,000 people, a thriving local economy and an increasingly popular tourist destination that attracts visitors from around the country. The area is both locally and nationally important and worth the cost of defending and protecting, now and in future.
Although the entire area is at considerable theoretical risk of river flooding and inundation from the sea, the actual risk is substantially reduced by the work that we do in partnership with Local Authorities, the Environment Agency and Natural England.
The area's full watershed catchment area draining to the Drainage District is the same as the Drainage District, which means that we can provide a better service than we might otherwise be able to: this is because we are not compelled to take surface water from outside the Drainage District that we have no control over. This gives us an advantage in being able to protect the people of South Holland and reduce the risk of flooding.
If you choose to work for the WMA or any of its Member Boards you will be joining an organisation which is striving to provide employees with a positive employment experience. Whether you work for us as a digger driver or as a member of the senior management team, there will be a considerable variety of challenges in your diverse workload and you will be offered real opportunities for career development.
To find out more about the WMA follow them on @The_WMA

Lindum Group
Lindum Group operate as a construction business by understanding and building relationships with their clients, getting to know properly what they need and require for their business. This approach has led to a large number of repeat clients, though they are by no means complacent in a very competitive industry.
Lindum Group

Lindum Group, based in North Hykeham, believe that they offer a different service at Lindum. Lindum say that 'the difference is our people' and, as the majority of our employees are shareholders, they have an added interest in looking after your requirements. Essentially, the company looks after its people so that the employees can look after their clients with much more care and attention.
Construction is Lindum's primary business, with design and build an increasingly popular procurement method for clients, whether new build, refurbishment or maintenance projects.
They can service new build contracts up to £20m and refurbishment projects up to a value of £12m. In house resources means their clients benefit from having close attention and very good service at all times.
With extensive experience in land sourcing, funding, design and build construction and 'total procurement management' delivered by their Joint Venture Property Team Lindum Group look to develop opportunities by working with partners on projects and land opportunities.
In addition, they have developed a range of ‘in-house’ and ‘support services’ delivered through the 12 trading divisions which form Lindum Group - these range from plant hire and vehicle maintenance through to waste recycling.